Saturday, April 24, 2010

Spinach and carrot dosa

Most of us no longer have the privilege of feasting on dosas and idlis for breakfast except on weekends. Naturally they have moved into the dinner league. Although we have dosa with almost any curry that's at home, sometimes there is none. I feel really guilty when we have them with chutney, and skip on the veggies for dinner. This spinach dosa is a great way to sneak in some veggies. It tastes so good, that my toddler does not mind the funny green color. He actually likes the funky green dosas. Here's how I make them:

Dosa batter
Spinach - 2 cups
Carrot -1

Microwave the spinach with 1/2 cup water for 5 min.
Chop the carrot into small pieces.
When the spinach cools, grind it along with the carrot and add to the batter.
Make the dosas the usual way.

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