Monday, May 23, 2011

Creamy Chicken pasta

I made this pasta with left over butter chicken that I had in my fridge. It is an easy way to use up any leftover creamy gravy. It looks like something you put a lot of effort into, without actually doing it. Comes together in minutes and any kind of a creamy gravy works here.

Left over butter chicken  - 1 cup
Pasta/Egg noodles (Dry) - 1 cup
Peas - 1/2 cup
Baby spinach leaves - 1 cup
Parmesan cheese - 2 tbsp
Black pepper  - 1 tbsp

In a medium pot cook egg noodles in boiling salted water. When pasta is 3 minutes away from being cooked, add in the frozen peas. Cook until vegetables and noodles are tender. Drain and reserve some of the pasta water to dilute the sauce.
In a pan, combine the gravy, pasta, peas and spinach. Dilute with the pasta water.
Cook till the spinach is wilted and the sauce is thick.
Top with the Parmesan cheese and black pepper.
Link to my Butter chicken recipe : Butter Chicken

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